Celeste Odell

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since Jan 29, 2018
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I am looking for advice and feedback.  I am putting together a plan to build my own off-grid passive/active solar home.  I want to do as much of the work myself, as possible.  Purchasing the plans, and studying to be my own general contractor.  I am doing an online electrician's course right now, but have no interest in spending 4 years working as an apprentice to get licensed.  Just want a foundation of knowledge to be able to read a schematic drawing and install the conduit, wires, boxes, etc..  From what I am reading, I won't be able to pull a permit myself.  So my idea is to go ahead and do the labor part of the install, being sure everything is correct and to code.  Then getting a licensed electrician to come in, look it over making sure it's right, pull the permit, make the connections and sign off on it.  Does this sound like a sound plan, or is this a bad idea?  Maybe a better way?  Thanks for any insights and advice.
6 years ago