Jin Shin Fee (by Felicitas Waldeck)
The original Jin Shin (Jyutsu) book by Mary Burmeister is attached to courses so hogtied by copyrights nd costs that it can exclude the average person. Felicitas Waldeck is an accomplished master of Jin Shin via the Burmeister company, but she wanted folks to be able to heal each other and those they know. So she published the boiled-down essence of Jin Shin in JIN SHIN FEE.
The book credits Master Jiro Murai and Mary Burmeister, the two who made Jin Shin known to the world.
The book is a "Guide to Quick Aid and Healing from A-Z Through the Laying on of Hands (no previous knowledge necessary. Immediate use on yourself and others") It includes "Important First Aid," the Organ Flows, Symptoms from A-Z, Disease - What do You Want to Tell Me, as well as What is Jin Shin Fee. It is clear and has sufficient illustrations so you can "get" the information and use it.
An example of using Jin Shin Fee in an emergency is: You are driving down the highway and are the first to come upon a serious wreck. Someone is hemmorhaging badly. You don't have any clean towels (and they would probably become quickly soaked anyway and then what).
You recall that Jin Shin says to "repel" energy (and blood coming out), put your right palm down on the area first. I remember this as "Right" starts with "R", just like "red (blood)" does. So Right hand down first. Then left on top of the right hand. As other folks show up to help, get them to gently "pigpile" their right hand down on top of yours, then the next guy, then right and left the person after that and so on up the stack of hands, palms down.
This can actually slow or stop the flow of blood, depending upon how bad the injury AND how many other folks's energies are in that "pigpile" of hands.
Fainting, heart attack, shock, sadness, flu, bad knees...you name it, the book covers it. No equipment required. Just your hands!
For inquiring minds: I have studied Jin Shin and used it both professionally and in my private life for years now. It is one leg of my healing "milking stool" (3 legs total). The other two "legs" are the Chinese energy manipulation (Yuen Method...I learned from Yuen, but do NOT recommend him...you'll learn faster and more from LeRoy LeMouf!!), and "Tapping" as taught by Gary Craig before he went to Ho'oponopo. I do not believe that you can "screw up" anyone with Jin Shin. It is gentle but effective.
Happy Healing!