Bruce Sheets

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since Jan 14, 2015
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Recent posts by Bruce Sheets

Heart of the Midwest. I could use some help around here, but those don't look like chore cloths. The mosquitoes would eat you up. How about work bibs , leather gloves and a baseball cap. Sound appealing?
6 months ago
Thanks Thomas
let's see if this works. I have  tons more pics but chose some in various  stages of construction.
4 years ago

paul wheaton wrote:A magazine is writing an article.  They are looking for rocket mass heaters that have been built by people that learned how to build rocket mass heaters by watching the DVDs/movies.  

Anybody qualify?

Bought the 4 DVD set in January 2014 and started my build and finished it up in January  2015. I use it constantly and it keeps my space toasty warm. I'm  not that tech savvy i have followed this site since 2013 and this would be my first post.  I did take pics of my progress  of the build.  Haven't  figured out how to post or attach pics.
4 years ago