Fafhrd Gray

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since Aug 12, 2014
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If anyone is interested about the music used in Alone in the Wilderness

Love & Peace
Lisa Lynne & George Tortorelli

You can preview the songs here:

Just wanted to again encourage anyone who's interested to read the books (perhaps there is a book club read in this), it would be the most useful tools in breaking down the details, dates, and getting a better understanding of what he was doing and thinking. This isn't to say that what he writes is are absolute facts of the situation, but seeing his thoughts as they come will show his truth of the situation and show the overall philosophy. It's important to keep in mind after all that these are NOT scholarly texts written after the fact, but journals, and while they may be edited (and not all by [or to the liking of] the author) they are nonetheless thoughts and opinions of the man at the time, long before all the interest in what he was doing.

I'm not going to get into all the misunderstandings of things discussed in the podcast, but here at least is an attachment of a side by side look of the different wood augers he was using - the one on the right is a mechanical, hand-cranked style that he used to make the hammer (if you watch the video more closley you can actually see the shadow of the hand crank itself), while the one on the left is a one-piece auger. Many of the confusions/questions raised in the podcast can be cleared up with a more thoughtful viewing of the film as well as reading of the books. ...also yes, there is such a thing as a round, or rather 'puck' shaped sharpening stone for axes.
You can find plenty of specific information about dates and more of his story by reading
One Man's Wilderness: An Alaskan Odyssey where he goes into more detail, as well as
More Readings From One Man's Wilderness: The Journals of Richard L. Proenneke, 1974-1980

and don't forget to check out the other Richard Proenneke videos:
Alone in the Wilderness part II
The Frozen North which, this time, is narrated by Proenneke himself

as well as
Alaska Silence and Solitude which visits the area and has a few brief encounters with the man himself.

Fafhrd Gray wrote:

paul wheaton wrote:- $60 (only 8DOWNLOAD)
access to the download version of the old 4-DVD set

Does anyone happen to know what the overall file size for the old 4-DVD set would be?

ANSWER: 2.52256 Gig

paul wheaton wrote:- $60 (only 8DOWNLOAD)
access to the download version of the old 4-DVD set

Does anyone happen to know what the overall file size for the old 4-DVD set would be?

Thought some people might find this interesting.

Old shipping containers converted to buildings with vending machines selling rice, fruit, vegetables and eggs.
10 years ago