Dan Grubbs wrote:Ryan,
The guy at the YouTube channel below has a host of permaculture videos, but also a series specifically about construction of his dams and swales. I think the series is titled, "The Permaculture Project Day X-X". For those of us who continue to learn about design and systems integration, this channel is generally worth watching ... at least I get something out of them.
Good luck
Su Ba wrote:I don't have any experience for your area, but are you looking for perennials or annuals, or a mix?
Dale Hodgins wrote:Rocks can be laid out so as to provide a snow fence. Large specimens mixed with small laid across the prevailing wind will trap snow within the mass as well as on the leeward side.
Snow melt along with wind and evaporation protection can allow trees and bushes to thrive in landscapes that wouldn't normally support them. These trees and bushes increase the effectiveness of the windbreak and snow fence. The British might call this a hedgerow. Wildlife will use it.
The same structure laid on contour, could be used to construct a sort of swale without a lot of excavating. Simply lay out the rocks and dump any unwanted brush, stumps, soil, crop residue etc. on the up hill side. Leaves from the shrubs will fall into this tangle. Water and eroded soil will accumulate.
Check out the Talus Garland effect. Google it or scroll down until you see the graphic of the rocks and tree in this thread. --- https://permies.com/t/31304/desert/Rubble-Rock-Fog-Wall-Swale