Nancie Baker

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since May 09, 2014
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Thanks. I will try that, too, when I'm ready to get back to work on this thing.
9 years ago
This first image is just the trap/drain under the grow bed:

Next is the standpipe without the bell over it (haven't drained the grow bed from over the winter so you can't really see much):

This is the bell:

I took the standpipe out and set it next to the bell; there's about a quarter or half-inch of the standpipe that sets down into the drain; the bell gives plenty of head room at the top of the standpipe when they are in place:

The pieces aren't cut as neatly as you see on the video on YouTube, but I was using what saw I had (I think that guy used a table saw...don't have one of those). I don't think the quality of my cuts makes any difference.
9 years ago
I did not have a filter in the pump; when it had water to pump, the flow rate was always good. I'm working on some photos here in a minute.
9 years ago
I still have to work again tonight, so will try to get some pictures tomorrow. There are "feet" to the bell that should be enough to allow water to get in. It worked fine when I first built everything as "The Better Bell Siphon" video instructed. Just, over time, took longer and longer to drain, then hardly drain at all.
9 years ago
There is at least an inch of space between the top of the standpipe and the top of the bell, but I may try shortening the standpipe a bit (whenever I get around to this project again), just to see if it helps and hopefully saves me from having to change it out for a whole new set-up. (I really don't want to have to move all that gravel from around the media barrier to install some other type of system!!)
9 years ago
I have added water to both the grow bed and sump tank at various times. I guess I am not explaining my situation well. The grow bed fills with water yet the siphon does not start, does not trickle, and I can see the water level up through the gravel. I have to lift the bell to get the siphon to start. At those times, there is no need to add more water to the grow bed. I understand the part about if the sump tank runs low and if the grow bed were not filling, but that isn't the question I am trying to find an answer to.

I cannot be out with my system 24/7 to lift the bell every time the siphon does not kick in; some days, with my work schedule, I'm lucky to be able to check on it twice.

I looked for any photos I thought I took during the build process and don't have any good ones to share.

Anyway, I thank you for continuing to try and help me solve my's nice to have folks that are willing to take the time.
9 years ago
I am only running one grow bed. There is no trickling of water out of the grow bed. It fills and sometimes the water is above the level of the top of the standpipe under the bell. I usually have to lift the bell slightly to trigger the siphon to start. When I first built the system, it worked took a couple months before this started happening.

I appreciate the advice and information. I'm not likely to get the system re-worked this season, but am glad to have a resource to refer back to. Thank you!
9 years ago
Hi, Alex; Thanks for the reply. I don't quite see how the sump tank affects the starting of the siphon? The grow bed drains into the sump tank, sure, and the water from the sump is pumped to the fish tank, which then drains by gravity to the grow bed. The grow bed fills and then, more and more often, just never started the siphon. I have kept adding water to the sump tank as needed when the pump cycle causes there to be a lack of water going back to the fish tank, but that never has made the siphon just kick in when the water is already at or slightly above the level where it should start. If I am missing something here, please take me through it again? Thanks!
9 years ago
Thank you, Sokota...I will check it out. I'm not sure if I will get things running again this year or not - so many projects, so little time!
9 years ago
Hi Greg; the problem isn't a slow drain; it just doesn't start at all. I'm looking at a couple of other designs that are being posted on YouTube for siphons, so hopefully, I'll come up with one that works better than my bell. My grow bed fills by gravity from the fish tank, so I can't increase the in-flow as I never adjusted the valve I put in the line running to the bed - it's full open all the time. Thanks for checking out my thread and offering advice. I do appreciate all help!
9 years ago