John Devitt

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since Jun 04, 2013
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Belfair WA
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Recent posts by John Devitt

Lots of chop and drop. my favorite tool is a Stirrup hoe that I use between row and in areas I do not want weeds to grow. basic goal is it prevent them from going to seed.
Hello from PNW everyone!
Planning on some greenhouse/hoop houses for next year as season extenders for small market garden
Thoughts on a N-S orientation versus E-W.
Also, if E-W, how close can/should I put them? looking at 2-3 houses 20-30 foot in length
Thanks in advance for the help!
4 years ago
Is it better to go east-west or north-south with a greenhouse?
4 years ago
I can see the benefit for thermal mass helping in winter but my issue in the PNW is light. How can I increase the light efficiency in my greenhouse during winter?
4 years ago
I am looking at trying to grow ground cover under a alder stand that I have. Purpose would be for running chickens on it. size is about 1/2 acre. Tree would be thin over the years for fire wood. Location is PNW Washington Hood Canal area/ Any ideas what would grow under them.
Thanks in advance for the help.
4 years ago
My family and I currently live in Belfair, WA. 3 acres with garden, chicken, ducks, rabbits.

Farmer's market in Belfair is pitiful and called Saturday market because there are usually no farmers in it. Well one, but he usually sells flower and a few vegies ( Near by in Port Orchard is a much bigger one but I do not get there much. The growing climate here changes every half mile. My last frost date is 2 weeks later than a friend down the road.

A lot of people raise and grow their own animals, enough to support 2 feed store. A lot of people sell eggs.

There are currently a lot of nice 5+ acre sites for sale. I am actually looking for something different in the area as well. How about a 6 acre property bisected by a road (not well traveled) with 160' of salt water tide flats for $99K? Undeveloped lots can go for 30-50K for 5 acres.

PM me if you would like and I would be willing to give you my contact information. It would be easier to give you the good and the over a phone conversation.
They spread by rhizomes and are nearly impossible to get rid of. Here in the PNW they can be a big problem. If anyone can tell me another use for them other than as a scrubber I would like to know.
9 years ago
I had my 10 year daughter harvest some nettle leaves on Sunday. We cooked them up with avocado oil and garlic. We added some extra water to get a steam effect. We all loved them, including my two 8 year old girls.

I also used them in nettle and goat cheese frittata and keep some dried ones to added to soups and such.

My rabbits like them to after the wilt a bit.
9 years ago
This is suppose to be a true call-in to a radio show!
Deer Crossing Signs
10 years ago
You do not have to keep them males separate, but you may have surprises. Most people keep them separate so they know when the kid will be coming.
10 years ago