Ross Gigee

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since Mar 17, 2013
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Adrien Lapointe wrote:I did a quick research and I found an article about a research project in Northern Ontario where there is a lot of snow. They were able to keep the cows on pasture until Dec 18th when snow was at 25 cm. They pulled the cows in when they started to lose weight. A while ago, I read in Grass-fed Cattles by Julius Ruechel that even if cow's condition deteriorates a bit through winter, they will bounce back quickly on Spring's grass.

Not only do they bounce back very quickly after a late winter fast (in my experience w/ unbred goats) when they get onto spring forage, but the meat is tender because it is all new, so even an older animal will be tender in autumn when it's time to butcher.
11 years ago
Ross Gigee here. We live not far from Sayre/Athens, PA, 3 miles from Wellsburg, NY. We have food forest, hugelkultur, goats, chickens, silviculture, workshop, and children.
11 years ago