Haven't posted in awhile but I have some new pics up and have a bit of a garden going.
Things done since last post.
-Finished filling 2nd hive box for bees and got a reward for our effort. Next steps, add honey supers.
Our honey 2 by
bakopermie, on Flickr
-a few 3 Sister's Guilds
-perennial flowers such as lavender, borage and lupine
-beans, sunflowers and watermelon
-raised bed with a variety of peppers, okra and squash/zuchinni
-raised bed with a variety of tomatoes, basil and cucumbers
-more general clean-up of the area
-Accumulating of cardboard and other materials for mass sheet mulching
Still very much overwhelmed but inspired by having a garden growing. Trying to put up the good fight against weeds/grass.
I'm not sure I mentioned this, but this is the first garden I have ever planted.
There are many pictures on my Flickr and I will be posting more this evening or in the morning.
Thanks for looking.
My Flickr