I just have alot of heavy duty pond liner I salvaged from a construction site dumpster. I figured why not line the bins with this. I wont lose material through the pallet boards, it will protect the pallets from the weather, and draw more heat from the sun. Oh an wont accidently shove my pitch fork between the boards when im turning it. Just my idea and first bins I've built.
Is the coffee house a locally owned or franchise like Dunken Doughnuts? I'm guessing local, I'll have to look for one in my area. My friend collects all the coffee grinds at work like that for his worm bins. As for grass clipping, I met a fellow today that asked what I was going to do with the bags of leaf's I was taking that he put out for garbage. He thought it was interesting and also mentioned he bags his grass in the summer. An I could have this grass if I made sure I picked it up. So I told him I'd stop back in the summer to arrange it.
I'll like your bins how long does it take to turn to soil?