Hi, I'm in Nicaragua, where it is very hard and very expensive to get a lot of things. This being the case, I decided to try making some rustic furniture. I researched the web and found that tenon cutters were $250.00 for one! In order to get started I would need over $1000.00 plus shipping IF customs would let it through. I decided to try to build my own. Using a Harbor Freight 4" grinder and a 4" wood blade (shipped from England) and some galvanized pipe. It came out better than expected! It cuts a very nice flat end tenon from 3/4" to 6" in diameter, and up to 6" long without moving the cutting head. By moving the head, I could make a 6" dowel nine feet long! I haven't used it much yet; just bought a small lot and am starting to build. I did make a lounge swing that adjusts alll the way down to a bed. I tried to upload pictures, but my 26kbs internet connection shut me off.