My husband and I are looking to purchase property in BC, specifically either along the west-south coast of Vancouver island any where from Sayward to Sooke or on the west coast of the main land up to Squamish or even over to Powell River area. The more acreage the better but it is expensive so we could manage with as little as 1 acre if needed for the right property. We are looking to live mostly "off grid" but will be looking for a place where we can get reliable cell phone service and high speed internet whether via satellite or other. We currently grow/raise/hunt and forage a lot of our own food and will want to continue this at the new property. We are looking for a like minded person or family that is also looking to purchase some land for homesteading. With the cost of land in BC it can be very expensive and with us wanting to keep costs down as much as possible we are wondering if any one else interested in the same ideal. We have noticed there are some acreages that allow for a principal residence and a smaller "cottage" up to 600 square feet. We ourselves would like to build and live in the "cottage" as we don't require much, while the other person can build a regular size home or "main residence" if desired. The other person/family will need to be able to put down a large down payment as will we I imagine at least $10,000 each? We would like to stay under $150,000 total in price so it would work out to $75,000 each. Obviously we would have to discuss many things and agree before we could move forward to looking for land, purchase etc. We are not looking to be an "eco-village style" were we have to share labour and put so much money back in to the property and such but rather split the acreage 50-50 and you do what you like we do what we like with respect to one another and helping each out each other would be great if possible but not mandatory. If you think you might be interested let us know!
A little info about us: we are a couple in our late 30's, no children, don't smoke, occasionally drink. We fallow an "earth based" religion but accept all religions. we don't care if your straight, LGBT or what colour you are as long as your not an a$$ hole we will treat you with respect and simply ask for the same. Yes we do eat meat and most of which we raise/hunt ourselves and you must be comfortable living next door to that as we "process" much of it in our back yard. We have dogs and cats who are our "kids" and we do NOT let them roam free and we ask the same of you as there is nothing worse then the neighbour's dog killing your chickens or cat pooping in your veggie garden.
Anyways thanks for looking!!