Chickens are pretty hardy and they seem to recover quickly from small injuries. It looked like it had a sore foot and was trying to keep the weight off of it. Glad to hear it's doing better now. Time seems to heal most wounds. I've got a few birds with crooked toes and some that have lost toes due to frostbite. They seem to get around just fine once things heal. It's amazing how much damage they can handle and still go on with life.
Last year one of my older birds (6 years old) got attacked by a hawk and had her neck ripped open and an eye crushed in before our rooster rescued her. I thought she was a goner, but her neck wound closed up fine and the feathers grew back in perfectly. She still has the one bad eye, but she gets along just fine with the one good eye. She only makes left hand turns now though. She's still one of our best layers.