Lastly, (thanks for putting up with all of my "Have you reads...") has anyone read "Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills"? Here is the amazon link to it:
Yes I got from my local library and it is a good read it has alot of good but dated information the one I read is the original version it still talks about using asbestos
I love that book. It breezes over a lot of material with nothing too in depth... just enough to get one interested in learning more, it's what got me interested in homesteading.
I am putting together a book/dvd/magazine page for Paul, and to save him some time from making a (short paragraph) written review of everything, I figured I'd ask permie folks to write "what Paul would say" in each thread something is talked about.
So what would Paul say about Back to Basics?
I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay, I sleep all night and work all day. Tiny lumberjack ad:
World Domination Gardening 3-DVD set. Gardening with an excavator.