I am thinking about putting in a small paddock for a small flock of
chickens or quail. I had a small ranch growing up, and we had
chickens off and on, but we never tried anything beyond coop/run, so I am basically brand new to this( and I didn't care as a kid, it was just another chore I had to do, so I didn't pay much attention to details) I love eggs, and as long as my cholesterol doesn't go up(which I am not convinced eggs will do anyway) , I can and will eat them every morning if they are free and available. I have about 5000 sq ft of backyard, about 1000-1500 is slowly becoming my garden, so I have about 2500-3500 that would be available for paddock. I hunt, and thoroughly enjoy quail as a meat bird, and I assume the eggs would eat as well as
chickens, just smaller. I had neighbors who had chickens (stuck in suburbia for now) and hated their stupid rooster who would start singing at 4am, so I dont want to put that on my new neighbors that I like (though he is a chef, and would probably like a basket of eggs now and then to go with the squash and corn he usually gets in the summer) so a rooster is not an option. I was thinkin about just buying a few chick hens, maybe 3, each year or so, and rotating them as layers and meat birds. If I did quail, I could get away with havings cocks, thus fertile eggs, and hatching a couple chicks to make up for the roasters. How many of either could I reasonably raise with a 2500 sq ft paddock?
Also, I have been reading conventional wisdom as to starting chicks, but this doesn't seem to jive with Pauls view on the low maintenance paddock shift system. Is all the careful feeding and such necessary? Will they do okay if I just toss them in a paddock full of grasses and clover? I live in CAs central valley, and I have temps from a occassional 25* to about 110* in the summer. What precautions do I need to take for each species as far as weather? Also, any breed recommendations for meat/egg use?