You are cordially invited to a presentation and book signing with Matt Powers...
Title: The 5 Steps to an Abundant Future with Matt Powers
Author, educator, plant breeder and Permaculturist, Matt Powers, shares the 5 critical steps that must be taken to guarantee an abundant future for people, the planet, and the natural systems and settings we all rely upon. Learn how large-landscape restoration is possible, how incredible
carbon sequestration is possible quickly, what we can do as individuals in our own lives, and what models are leading this change in real-life - even making money doing it. Matt Powers is an educator, plant breeder, seed saver, and gardener that collaborates with leading global experts in the soil, mycology, ecology,
permaculture design, landscape restoration, greening the desert, regenerative farming, and alternative
energy to create a curriculum for K-12+college students all over the world. The 5 Steps distill all his work into simple concepts that are clear to any audience. We can reverse the negative environmental trends and bring back the abundance from which all humanity was born. ...
Bio: Matt Powers teaches
permaculture and regenerative
gardening and farming to families, youth, schools, and adults all over the world through his online courses, videos, and
books, which are now being used on all continents (except for Antartica.) Translations of his books are already available in Spanish, Polish, and Arabic with French and Italian coming soon. As an experienced educator with a masters degree in Education, Matt went from teaching high school students to teaching high school teachers and administrators to teaching districts and appearing at universities and conferences all over America and online, teaching
permaculture and
sustainable, regenerative skills and thinking. Matt provides daily inspirational and regenerative content online and is one of the most-followed
permaculture teachers online with over 30,000 Twitter followers and tens of thousands of followers in his many
Facebook groups and pages ranging in topics from permaculture education to entrepreneurship to
gardening to fungi & more.
See website:
Facebook page:
City Utah Permaculture Group
Cedar City Public Library, Cedar CIty, UT
When: Tuesday, Sept 26th, 6-9 pm
6:00 Doors open...gather and mingle.
6:30 Introductions
6:45 Presentation by Matt Powers
7:30 Question and
Answer period.
8:00 Book signing and mingle...