Amit, Congrats on selling garden design formally! We are here to support you. The key is aesthetic value. Pretty lawns improve home values, so people like pretty lawns. Check out our Pinterest/other social media pages for inspiration (linked from Who knew Swiss chard looked so great with roses?
Yes, we launched the website this month and intend to be available in not just all 50 states, but across the globe. We are starting in CA to test our processes to support thousands of people on one site at once. It can be used anywhere and anytime to request these services at the push of a button. We have received so much interest that we will launch an app soon as well. Sign up to stay tuned.
Once we get a seasoned permaculturist with a client base to transition to our website, then we will launch in that
city. It's that simple. You could be our entry into the Cleveland area because your customers will follow you to our site. We will vet you (insurance, etc.), handle your invoices, and get you on your way. Just post a listing (by clicking the 'Become a Terraformer' button) with before and after photos of your work and set up Paypal to receive payments and have your customers book you. You don't even need a website...
On promotion, we have learned that by having seasoned permaculturists, with a client base, use for scheduling and payments, they will bring their clients with them. When the client's neighbor wants a similar edible garden, they will be told to book on for similar services.
For permaculturists who need [more] clients, they would post a listing describing their skills and photos of a job they have completed with before and after photos. We have so many professional landscape permaculturists who are oversubscribed, so those clients they cannot serve will be available for other permaculturists, who need the work.
Yes, the job pays for itself! It's exciting for us when people grasp our concept quickly.