Now my brain won't stop lol.
I finished Lancaster's book Volume 1 last night, starting Volume 2 today.
Did the math and on 10 acres, averaging 10 inches of rainfall a year then 2.7 million gallons of rain falls on the land. I also figured out IF(big if) 1" of rain falls that would be 271,540 gallons(or 36,302 cubic feet) and if I had 5 600' long swales(most of the property width) 6'x3' that would hold 42,390 cubic feet of rain. Or 10 swales at 4'x2'. So either 132' apart or 66'. Roughly, closer to the house would be changed up, and I would want to collect the roof runoff in a cistern for later use. I also researched and the historic averages are all less than .08" of rain per day even during monsoons. In 1878 they had what they consider the 100 year flood and Tucson recorded 5" in 24 hrs so for most days it would be overkill and for a huge storm event they would overflow but unless I get a huge influx of run on from outside the land I would hope the swales would slow down and soak in and disperse water over a larger area so erosion wouldn't be an issue. I will still have to build for the floodplain rules the county has in affect(2' high foundation) but hopefully I will never need it. The more plants I can get in the ground and stuff growing the better the land will be at allowing water to infiltrate. Right now it sheets off because there is a lot of exposed dirt that compacts and sheets water.
It's nice not being in a rush for this though, Even if I do get the land I am probably a year out from actually living there, unless something happens and if I need to rush I can buy a cheap trailer to put out there while we finish the preparation. But it is making me think about everything lol. I'm already planning on running grey water to tree
wells and that means only the toilet would need the septic, so do I pay to put in a septic for a toilet or two or go with composting toilets. I will have to check out the composting toilets more in depth. I will have to pay to bring power to the lot, if I am having a big outlay to get power there maybe I just want to invest in
solar. I would like the option of being tied to the power grid for 240v because I eventually want a nice welder and maybe a big air compressor. And I was thinking of electric ranges but I really prefer gas, which would mean bringing in a propane tank. Propane can be a hassle but it would also be handy, especially for off grid stuff along with the better(imho) cooking with gas, cheaper heating air and water with gas, etc. I then get into wondering if I want to try
solar water heating, I've heard mixed reviews and would need to investigate further.
Then I get to thinking about houses, Originally I wanted a decent sized manufactured home, but I'm getting my wife to come around on a smaller house(smaller double wide or even single wide) and the benefits of that. Then I start thinking of all the customization and wonder if I should just get a "tiny house" maybe even just a shell and frame it in. I have done all the work in construction to put a house together, would just need pro help as needed for inspections and stuff that needs to be certified or could burn the place down with a mistake, etc.