Hi everyone,
Thanks for the help. I live on a 40 acre ranch on the central coast of California. I'm helping out my landlord with his lavender farm on the property, and am in a bit of a quandary. Heres the setup:
- home on top of a hill
- steep, compacted, weedy hill leads down from home, approximately 60% (30°, 1:1.7, run is approximately 75 feet)
- flattens out at base of hill to a road, on the other side of which is a
- lavender fields 30 feet below
pond elevation, about 150 feet away.
He originally wanted to over the entire hillside with pond liner, with a drainage ditch at the bottom that drains across road to the pond. However, i didnt think this was a good idea as a) the pond will certai ly overflow from the nearly 50,000 gallons this hillside will collect in an average rain year, and much of the
water will just runoff the rest of the property, b) this is an area where there is more evaporation than precip, so storing water above ground isnt ideal, and c) black pond liner covering an entire hillside in front of your home isnt all that aesthetically pleasing.
So... in arid climates, ive read best place to store water is in soil. If i can hydrate this hillside, i think the water lens created will benefit the lavender downslope, and much less will be lost to evaporation. Ive read 60% is too steep for swales, terraces, net and pan... correct?
Are there any other options, suggestions, etc? Pics to come in follow up message. Thanks again for the time and help.