This is some good information for free for anyone that lives in the Midwest on how to select and grow fruits and berries.
"The Ultimate Iowa Fruit and Berry Growing Guide" - 107 pages
11 publications from ISU to assist the Iowa Grower plus 5 more documents to aid you in growing fruits and berries successfully in Iowa all compiled into one e-book. This is a comprehensive guide that you will refer to again and again.
These 11 publications from Iowa State University are included: Growing Fruit in Iowa, Fruit Cultivars For Iowa, Pruning and Training Fruit
Trees, Why Fruit Trees Fail to Bear, Organic
Apple Production in Iowa, Harvesting and Storing Apples, Selling Fruits and Vegetables, Growing Grapes in the Home Garden, Growing Raspberries in the Home Garden, Growing Strawberries in the Home Garden, Growing Blueberries in Iowa.
These 5 publications are also included: Climate Information for Iowa, Guide to Using Landscaping Plants, Plant Sources,
Books for the Home Grower,
Online Resources for Iowa Growers.
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Brought to you by your friends at the Quad
City Food Forest:
And your friends at the Quad Cities Edible Landscape:
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