At request (and hopefully under an appropriate forum heading) here are some Non-permaculture based education links for those interested in learning stuff for free.
First: Data Sources.
Here are some good places to find global statistics and run
side by side comparisons (of for instance
energy use per capita by country)
This is not the easiest web site to navigate and you have sometimes have to wade through some rather unsavory spin, but the raw data the world bank collects and makes available is gigantic. Here is a graph I put together comparing 8 countries Fertilizer consumption per hector. You'll need to X out Singapore to be able to read the graph (for emphasis)
Index Mundi is another information clearing house which sources much of its information from the CIAs world fact book (another decent resource for those who weren't exposed to it in Highschool)
here I put together a 10 yr price change comparison of Corn vs Gold and a 50 year graph of Wheat production in Canada (I was curious)
and some
video lectures for those who enjoy sitting back in the evening and contemplating the state of the world. These are all accredited speakers lecturing at venerable institutions.
First some quick 30 min. spots from the Carnegie Council on Ethics in International Affairs
Ian Bremmer: Every Nation for itself - Winners and losers in a G-0 world. Here Ian examines what happens when no nation takes a real leadership role. Delivering analysis at a rate only a caffeinated New Yorker is capable of. 15 min. presentation and 10 min. of Q'n'A. He also has an hour lecture at the US Naval War college
Similar theme (also @ Carnegie) Georgetown Professor
Charles Kupchan: The west, the rising rest, and the coming global turn
Steve Coll: Private Empire, ExxonMobile and American Power
Kishore Mahbubani: America in the 21st century, an Asian Perspective
Joshua Green: Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap between us and them
Also here are a few 1.5 Hour Formal evening lectures at the US Naval War College
Dr. Jeremy Jackson: Ocean Apocalypses
Phd Biologist from the Smithsonian and Scripts Institute for Oceanography in his second lecture to the Naval War College. 1st question opens with 'Thank you for your lecture, it was Horrifying"
Robert Kaplan: The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power
Also from the Naval War College Ambassador Richard Haass President of the Council on Foreign Relations on A New American Grand Strategy
and finally from the US Army War College
Dr. Bolan on the Arab Spring
More later if anyone is interested.