Hello, I am looking for people that would like to
volunteer their knowledge onsite in Boaco, Nicargua. I happen to have the oppurtunity to develop a working farm from the ground up. This farm's goal is to be a successful
cattle (
milk) farm, while at the same time following organic and
permaculture practices. This farm ( about 150 acres ) is located among many other cattle farms that have been around for a while. If we can be successful with our venture, then the other farmers would be willing to copy our practices. This fact alone will help spread the spirit of
permaculture. What do I consider successful, healthy animals, healthy
trees dirt plants, healthy farm hands, less animals on the farm but produce the same yields as other farms. I am not experienced in bringing the
permaculture practices
to a large piece ( 150 acres) of
land. All I have learned is self taught, I am hoping to have the
chicken rotating into the paddocks by 2011. I can offer
shelter and food during your stay, the length of your stay can be your choice. We were thinking 2-4 weeks. If this adventure has some appeal to you please drop me a line.
Best Regards