I spent a couple of hours trying to get my
video editor installed on my new laptop. Every time I change my computer, I need to go through this. And every time their web site is so terrible that I end up buying the product again, just so I can download it. I got used to their stuff. But this time, their business practice is so awful, I have to walk away. I will no longer use avid products.
Their product had bugs - but I got used to the bugs and could usually avoid them. I just needed to save frequently.
This was one of the three reasons that i stopped using Linux: there was no decent video editor on linux.
In the last few years I have been using gimp for my image editing needs. Part of the upside is that if I ever move back to linux, then gimp will work great on linux.
Now that i am shopping for a video editor again, then it seems that it might be good to find something that is available for both win7 and linux. That would improve the odds of me moving to linux at a later date. And if I could get all
my stuff to work on linux, I would like that very much!
Anybody have any suggestions for a good video editor that works on both win7 and linux?