Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) is an organization that protects the rights of family farms, artisan food producers, consumers and
affiliate communities to engage in direct commerce free of harassment by government agencies; it protects the rights of farmers and artisanal producers to make their products available and the rights of consumers to access the foods of their choice from the source of their choice.
Membership Types
They offer different types of memberships:
Farmers and Artisan food producersConsumersAffiliate communities (e.g. buyers club)
Find more about the types of memberships
Membership Benefits
Unlimited consultation with attorneys on matters within its mission statement;Any contractual documents FTCLDF provides, e.g., herdshare contracts, buyers club agreements, etc.;Unlimited consultation with former FTCLDF board member and dairy farmer, Tim Wightman, on matters related to farm operations;Toll-free emergency hotline to speak with an attorney if there is a surprise visit or inspection from a government agency;The possibility of legal representation on matters that are within FTCLDF's mission statement at no additional cost.
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