Although I have no direct
experience with Romanesco zucchini seed saving, a general rule of thumb for saving the seeds of summer squashes (including all zucchinis) is that the fruits must be left to grow until quite large with "hard-shelled rinds that cannot be dented by a fingernail". According to
Seed to Seed, my main book for all veggie seed saving for over 25 years, "squashes have a greater number of viable seeds when cut from the vine and left to sit for three weeks or longer". After at least three weeks in storage, the squashes can be cut open with an axe or shovel and the flesh
should be cleaned from the seeds. Then seeds are washed in a colander and all remaining string or debris is washed off. "If any squash flesh remains attached to the seeds, rub the seeds in a wire strainer under running
water to loosen it. Drain and dry the seeds as with other Cucurbitaceae." I hope this helps...Good luck!