Anyone growing organic corn?
It had been so long since I had seen organic corn ears in a market.
I found some at Natural Grocers, and it has filled me with hope!
Hi Jennifer, we've been growing three types of organic corn, sweet corn, field corn, and popcorn.
The nice thing about organic heritage varieties is that you can save your own seed. We haven't bought seed in probably 10 years, just save some of your current crop and plant it next year.
I'm not growing it this year..taking a little break from veggies to focus on other parts of the homestead..
There is organic corn grown around it's a good opportunity to support local farmers..which there are a lot of in this area.
I just grow corn for all my baking corn meal. I don't grow every year and I grow mostly maize type/colored corn. I also grow popcorn every now and then. I have blue corn from 5yrs. ago, maize from 3yrs ago and am growing maize this year and planting beans to climb the corn. This is a plot that I till with my "outhouse pit" compost. I save and plant a lot of my own seeds.
For sure Jennifer. I have been working this ground for 20 years. It has been through many different iterations.
I'm focusing on finishing my house and building fertility with animals this year. It's a good shift.
And we have had some pretty intense grasshoppers for the past couple of years... so working on finding a balance there.
Are you growing anything in AZ?
Yes organic Dakota black popcorn
It's expensive but I realize there are operating expenses, but I saved all my cobs and have been building up my quantity a year at a time
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