As part of the 2024
Permaculture Technology
Jamboree, we attended to a number of completion tasks, issues and optimizations required to make this well pump provide reliable, 4-season
water to all Lab frost-free hydrant locations.
- finished installing the umbrella for optimum soil insulation r-value and thermal mass
- designed and began fabrication of a thermal "drop ceiling" of dual-layer plastic, to lower the heat roof to about 18 inches below soil level
- installed 2 large rocks (about 700 lbs, combined) into the structure for thermal mass
- designed and ordered parts for a DC
incandescent lightbulb/thermostat to run, warming the squishy bits and the boulders whenever the temperature drops below 42°F.
- Earthscaped the utility trench to shed water away from the uphill part of the structure, around each side and toward the adjacent catchment area.
- Trouble-shot the
solar system and pump gear, start to finish
- removed 1 out of 5
solar panels to avoid overloading the control module
- attempting to reset module, which seems to have persisting issues that do not necessarily hinder its function
- evaluated a non-functional pump, which seems to have exceeded its continuous run-time and is not currently pumping
Still to do:
- install DC thermostat & lightbulb, upon arrival (imperative prior to winter)
- source a replacement pump that will support longer running time to meet the demands of lab water usage (imperative, urgent)
- finish construction of thermal drop ceiling (high priority prior to winter)
- source a backup solar control module for when the current, partially fried unit eventually goes down (high priority, unknown urgency)
- landscape and prettify (as able)
Special thanks to everyone who helped out on this
project, particularly PTJ attendees Mike & Jason, as well as Stephen, Brian, and Clay for counsel and support.
Pictures follow. Screenshots to come.