I think all of those plants would benefit from some afternoon shade. That said, deep deep mulch and watering during dry spells can help. You need to increase the moisture holding capacity of your soil, and the fungal diversity that will come with large additions of woodsy biomass. Even rotting logs as mulch will work. Brambles will just crawl over and through them. It might be more work than it’s worth to move your plants, but perhaps you could take divisions or
root runners and try some other locations. It’s been pretty dry and hot this year, and many beings are having trouble without good rains. Wind is also intensely desiccating, and might be the first thing to address if it’s relatively consistent. If you want to grow other things you
should get that windbreak planted now! Fast growing shrubby willows and poplars, conifers like white or Virginia pine if you want protection year round. There are lots of edible plants that can be a part of a windbreak as well, but hard to know which to recommend without knowing your