Bittersweet, Celastrus orbiculatus, is an invasive plant from east Asia. It kills
native plants by girdling and vining on them, its weight eventually bringing the host plant crashing down. Bittersweet is toxic to both humans and pets.
I bought a property that is infested with bittersweet. Some people run triathlons; I dig up bittersweet. I am writing with two requests. One is asking for any tips on how to get rid of it. Does anyone know a researcher who can say when a submerged
root is dead, unable to sprout new branches and leaves? I have come across 10” diameter
roots that are definitely dead. On the other hand, I have seen 1 cm diameter roots sprout branches and leaves after being exposed to the sun for a few days. A collection of these parameters would help. Also has anyone noticed bittersweet growth veer away from another plant?
My second question is, “ How do I talk to the neighbors whose invasive plant are coming from their
yard into mine?” Has anyone come up with a successful strtategy?