So I just need to ask, Am I the only
permie in the world who by day tills up vast expanses of
land, plants gmo mono-crops, sprays them with toxic biocides and then turns around and tends to/ develops an acreage that includes or soon will include
earthworks, guilds, passive
solar housing, multi-species grazing, rainwater collection,
chickens and fowl, where pesticides and most outside inputs are strictly banned?
I feel so conflicted and even though I've become mostly used to it, the long hours spent on a
tractor of combine are usually accompanied by listlessness, and constantly thinking about ways I could undo the damage my actions are inflicting on the land and the people connected to it. Unless I force myself into sort of a meditative mode from time to time it becomes mentally exhausting.
On the other side of the coin, as far as day jobs go the income has been very good, I started at just the right time about 7 or 8 years ago when the market rally in grain prices was just beginning. I like to think of it taking my mosanto pay-check and investing it something that could be the seeds to their destruction. Some of the land in the farm operation has been in my family for around six generations and if we weren't growing corn and soybeans on it surely someone else would be. And probably using even greater amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides than we do. Another thing, as far as this type of farm goes, ours is getting to be considered small to medium sized yet still supports three families. Not a small accomplishment around here where de-population has been rampant for a few generations now and 2000 acre plus farms are becoming the norm. Please note however; I am not trying to justify the soil loss, the loss of diversity, the loss of people and all of the good, bad, crazy, or beautiful things they can do, the fucked up river systems, and the widespread contamination of the the landscape and everything that's a part of it.
It's just that I haven't come up with an alternative yet. I've watched two different friend couples make heroic efforts only to give up after a couple years. No one sees the horrible things all around them, organic food is for hippies and heathens around here, we just want our plain simple processed with God-knows-what, cheapest and the super-value or walmart food. It all makes me want to cry, pull my hair out, or get drunk and lay down in a fetal position until someone wearing purple leotard with a cheese hat comes riding up on a white buffalo and offers to help! Yet I continue.
My wife and children are amazing and wonderful. They help keep me focused. I don't spend
enough time with the boys but I do try to teach them everything I can and have some fun once in a while. They're smart and they're going to be great helpers soon if I can be a better leader and not make scared of work. It's really my wife that keeps me most focused and honest with myself making sure I only start things that I have at least a remote chance of finishing enough to see some benefit from in the foreseeable future.
Okay, I've driveled on meaninglessly for almost long enough now, but if anyone is in a similar situation I'd like to hear from you. Maybe I am the only chemical-conventional farmer permie in the world but that's impossible, right? Meanwhile I'll just keeping driving my tractor dreaming of the day I can throw a wrench into at least one little part of this vast global agri-industrial machine. But I need a good plan first that will actually work or everyone that's still here will just hate me.
I'll listen to anyone's ideas but seriously it's complicated, there's no
local customers, no one to help with the work, and no time. So if you don't have a really awesome idea just keep your pie-hole shut! (disclaimer: I hope Paul doesn't delete this. I really think everyone's ideas are perfect in some time/place/ situation, and I'm not as pessimistic as I sound right now)
Seriously, I'm done now. Time to go out and fix the skid-steer that broke down while terracing the hill side to make a rainwater harvesting, path and way for the new electric
fence. Have a Super Day my friends!