Not really. But it is possible to think of the body and its conditions, i.e. physical reality and the senses, as a
root, and the mind as the flowers and leaves. The mind and all its contents arise independently and spontaneously, without any conscious intention, from the body. And even conscious intention arises that way—why does a person do what they do, then? Because their thoughts and actions arise like gentian flower from gentian root. A gentian root cannot make daisies, and so on. With conscious intention the state of the mind can be altered temporarily, but it too results from the body and its conditions, like a flower atop its peduncle. Conscious attention can also alter the body and its conditions though, and thereby cause the mind to change.
In short most people, including me, will think whether they sit down and intend to do so, or not. The conscious intention is like the flower atop the flower stalk of thought. But in winter, at least in my climate, very few plants will blossom, because the conditions are now dark and cold. Sitting is like the cooler weather and shorter days that makes the plants want to rest and stop flowering, so that is to say that as time goes on, flowers get more scarce. I find this happening usually in the second hour when longer, verbal thought does cease for increasing intervals, like the flowers blooming fewer and further between.
There is not really a trying to do anything, nor a trying to not try to do anything. Trying and trying not to try, resulting from conditions of stress that have since passed, can be left to their own devices and will dissipate. And the state after trying and trying not to try are gone, is one of peace and clarity.
The mind is going to be distracted by something while a person is sitting, so people give the mind various tasks to do, such as counting their breaths, which is harmless and makes it seem like a person is meditating through their own effort. But I think that it is something both deeper and simpler that is going on, and my
experience hasn’t given any evidence to the contrary.
I’m sorry if my rambling is excessive, this is just an interesting topic for me.