Important questions first. How much water do you want, how big is the surface area of your roof, and what's your rainfall like?
Answers are far different from Ohio to Arizona. When you get rain is as important as to how much rain you get. In my area, there is no rain at all from May till October, so I would have to capture and store a very large amount of water to get me though the dry season.
If you want something in the 50 gallon range, look at
local food manufacturing plants and see if any have bulk food-grade containers left-over. You might get plastic 50 gallon barrels for free, or maybe a small fee.
If you want to go larger, than take a look at your local Home Depot. There you can get irrigation tanks in the 250-5000 gallon range. Up to 500 gallons could be thrown on the back of your truck and brought home yourself.
5000 gallons is the largest size that typically can be installed without special permitting.