I took over the lease on 130 acres of family owned
land in central Missouri last year. The land was originally my Grandparents and my Mother and Uncle grew up there. They now own it, and will never
sell it, but have put zero work/interest into the property over the past 30 years. It was leased for cattle/hay and essentially mined for resources. While the pastures are still open and soil is naturally wicked fertile, the place is in rough shape. I work away from the state but started selling a single cutting of
hay to cover the lease and to keep the place mowed while I work towards getting back to the property more often and likely full-ish time in the next few years.
Several weeks ago I was seeding several of the pastures, seriously sloppy grazing over the past 25 years has reduced the current gramanoid species composition to sedge and spotty fescue on about 30 acres, when I came across some very bumpy spots on top of the highest point on the property. I have been told that my Grandfather had terraced that area for crops in the 40's though there were no really noticeable terraces to be seen. When I was cruising around cursing the bumps I finally noticed their linear nature and distinct ditch/swale like appearance. I have included an aerial screen shot to show what I came across.
My grandfather had built a
pond on nearly the highest point on the property, it is mostly filled in and chronically low on
water and I have often wondered why a
pond would be built there since it has a watershed far to small to keep it filled. What I realized is that he had built about 800 feet of swale completely around the top of the hill that directed run off from all directions into his pond that was located on a different slope. He effectively made a 5 or 6 acre watershed for a pond that would naturally have less than a 1/4 acre shed. The swale is still functioning but I found a few spots where it is filled in which I assume is part of the reason why the pond is not filling completely, there are also some erosion issues at the overflow.
On the photo the big red star is the top of the hill and the red arrows show the location/direction of the swale. The little blue star is in the middle of the pond.
Sorry for the wordy/off topic
thread but I was pretty excited when I realized what I had found and I am starting to look at the property with a new eye, wondering what else is out there that I have yet to find. You might notice a parallel swale to the south of the arrows, there are actually 2 more not shown. I have yet to cipher their purpose as they sort of dead end on a slope.