Sounds like you've got a great site, you should be able to produce a bounty of food in harmony with nature. At Sepp's projects in Russia families are able to produce all of their needs on a single Hectare. This is just a little bit bigger than your lot.
It is impossible to
answer this question well without seeing the site but Sepp would say
water, water, and more water. If you wanted to start low impact it sounds like you already have a
pond and water storage to work with. If you are going to do earthworks water is again the place to start. Water, it is the most important resource on the planet. All life is 70% water, this is why you start with the water. From there lush vegetation develops that you can guide.
Observe the plants and animals on your property and put yourself in their position. How are they doing? Are all of their needs met? Are your needs met? These are the best places to start. The management for your forest will depend entirely upon your specific forest and the state that it is currently in.
Judith, Johnny, Zach and Team Holzer AgroEcology