Hello all,
I am so happy and appreciative to have found this site with all of these amazing like-minded people.
It seems to be more and more rare as the days go by.
My husband and I have a two year old in south central Oklahoma. We are both in our mid twenties and have a house we just bought here. However, we are not content. We both know with how things are going in the world we need a more simple, prepared, eco-friendly lifestyle, and unfortunately, that mindset is not common here.
We are looking to completely uproot our lives here and move somewhere in the mountains. Our dreams are Montana or Wyoming, but with that type of move comes the lack of community. And honestly, that’s a big demotivator for the both of us when it comes to the “big move”.
We would love to find a homesteading community in a region like either of those that would be willing to take the 3 of us in to get us started on our homesteading journey. We both have done extensive research in all of what this lifestyle takes, but neither of us have a ton of
experience in the actual lifestyle. But we are so very willing to work harder than ever to get the kind of life we want our baby girl to grow up in.
We just feel so alone and lost here in our area, and didn’t know there were communities out there that are doing everything we have dreamed of.
We are both fair and compassionate people, yet firm in what we want to do. We are both very accepting and so very willing to learn more and, as previously mentioned, work our tails off for the opportunity at this life. My husband is about to finish up CDL school in about a month, and I have a bachelors degree in business. So, we are definitely able to pull our weight financially to start off if anyone is worried about that.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If anyone would like to reach out to me privately with anything, my email is