When you were talking about transplanting (ANYTHING) and ALWAYS loosing the tap
root, at that time in the presentation, were you talking about only
trees (because you specifically mentioned
apple trees, I don'y know why), OR did you actually mean everything including veggies?
My (ex)-partner and I used to start ALL of our veggies in a really neat hot-house I build on the flat roof of the addition on our house. I know that veggies do not have as long tap
roots as trees, but we never lost any when we transplanted. We even start corn so early that we had corn on the
cob for our 4th of July Party's. We lived in Pittsburgh PA, and were one of the lucky few to have almost an acre of
land. We grew almost everything we could think of, that we liked. We even started a small "orchard" with 3 kind of
apple tree, 1 peach tree, 2 kinds of cherry trees and 3 kinds of plum trees. We were the envy of the neighborhood. Too bad he threw me out, he lost the best thing he ever had. that was several years ago. Now again, almost 3 years later I am looking for a home, got any vacancies?
When I found cob building and
permaculture, and several other thing, my whole life changed. Now, i'm just trying to find somewhere new to live it.