Michael Qulek wrote:
My understanding is that you can mix up to 50:50 waste vegetable oil directly into diesel and have it flow through the injectors properly. Maybe more if you blend it with winter diesel (diesel #1).
Intetesting, but I wonder if this would lead to more coke buildup than heated oil?
In any case, some napkin math suggests that the economics would not work out. It would make more sense to run a NG generator with gas from the public utility.
It would probably make more sense in other places, depending on
energy prices, and NG availability.
Michael Qulek wrote:
My understanding of a dual-fuel step-up though is that you need exact pressure requirements for the fuels to go through the injectors properly, so simply splitting the fuel line might not be enough. You may need two different fuel pumps forcing fuel at the right pressures.
I google searched a bit, a found that many businesses/individuals stopped selling conversion kits. Many of the websites are down alltogether. I'm guessing that congress' failure to renew the $1/gallon tax credit for biodiesel rendering has trickled down disinterest in WVO overall.
I contacted the companies who seemed like they could be helpful. 3 responded. One was US-based and pretty clearly had no interest in my business. Another turned out to be German, and said he could not do business overseas due to some red tape. Finally, a guy out of Canada ( drbjornsauto.com ) responded.
He's been very helpful, and suggested a conversion would not be that complicated, given the right generator.
To your point about fuel pressure, Michael, one thing he suggested was to not get a genset with a direct injection engine.
I'll not put words in his mouth, but separately I found some academic research that suggests SVO will not aerosolize the same as diesel, even when heated (perhaps, not surprisingly). The paper suggested the end result would be a shorter engine lifespan. I assume this could be true as well-- to a lesser extent -- for a diesel:wvo blend.
So, now I'm trying to find a generator that meets the spec and won't break the bank. This is harder than it sounds. I didn't reslize good and compatible diesel gensets were nearly an order of magnutude more expensive than entry level gas gensets, at the same power output.
My guru will not permit me to simply buy something from alibaba.