Higher Voltage means higher available power. Most devices (charge controller, inverter, charger, breakers, etc) can only handle around 150A. (One can always pay a higher though)
So a 12volt x 150A = 1,800W
48volt x 150A = 7,200W
Voltage above 48 will shock you, so 12v and 24volt are wonderful low voltage options.
Higher voltage means less power loss in the same size wire, thus enabling a longer cable run, or smaller wire for the same length thus saving money.
24V is wonderful for
alot of off-grid direct drive pump, fridge and freezers.
I like 48v because that is the same voltage that Power over Ethernet (phones, computers, wifi/network devices,
lights, USB-C Power Delivery), and each cable can deliver up to 100W.
120V DC is popular for direct drive
workshop machines (circular saw/etc)
24v and 48v cordless power tools can also be ran directly too