Thanks everyone for the input and info.
As for the number of springs, I read that in a Missouri natural resources mag but I haven't actually counted them so I was taking their work for it. Of
course, can you really trust gov agencies now days? LOL I do know we have a LOT of them and finding property with a fairly good one is very doable. We have a lot of trout farms and trout parks in MO due to the large number of big springs. That's why I was thinking hydro may be a good future plan.
My wife is actually getting a bit of wonderlust herself and starting to talk about moving so this may actually become a reality for me. My parents and my siblings have talked about all selling out and throwing in with me and the bunch of us start a family homestead somewhere. So I am really starting to try and find practical ways to make the energy thing work.
I have no idea how to measure our actual usage but I will look into that. I read that the average American uses just under 1000 KW a month. My shop would require less I suspect. The machine I run most often is my lathe it is a 220 machine with a DC regenerative variable speed drive that draws about 4-5 amps unless I have something big in it and really have it under load or really have the speed cranked up (max draw is 7 amps). I'm getting those numbers form the meter on the drive box but I don't know how accurate it is. Most of my machines are in that same range. 1-2 horsepower machines running off 220 or 110. I have a 50 amp box in my shop currently split into two 25 amp lines (one running down each side of the room). and I never draw enough to trip breakers even when my daughter is on her wood lathe while I am running another machine.
Is there an "alternative energy for dummies" book out there you all could recommend so I can get a better overall picture of what is out there that I could apply to this situation?
I currently make my living as an artist and I make a decent living. The wife and I together are bringing in about 100K annually. But we both work our butts off to do it and keep up with the
mortgage and all the bills. My ultimate goal is to get set up so that I can live off less money, be more self sufficient, work and actual 8 hr day instead of a 12 hr day and set on the back porch smoke my pipe and watch the sun go down now and then.
Ultimately, part of that means getting out of town so I don't have a water bill, sewer bill, and double the property and sales tax that folks in the rural areas around here have. Part of it means growing and raising a lot more of our own food. Part of it will have to be employing a lot of re-purposed building materials and alternative construction so I don't end up having another huge mortgage, and hopefully providing all my own energy. From what I have seen most of the cost are up front on getting an off grid system of any kind set up. Once that is paid for it is very economical to run and use. At least that is the impression from what I have read.
Anyway, enough rambling, I do appreciate everyone's perspective and input.
PS. Maine has 35,385 square miles. Missouri has 69,709 square miles. We are almost twice as big as Maine is