Here's an example of how I do solar. The pic is a rotating array I built out of unistruts and schedule 40 steel pipe sunk in the ground. I'm using four grid-tie panels similar to the one described above that are wired in series to produce 120VDC. The raw 120VDC is run into my solar-only
workshop system to charge a 24VDC battery bank. The MPPT controller transforms the raw 120VDC down to the 26-27VDC the battery needs to charge. The battery bank in turn fuels the 24V inverter than can produce pure sinewave 120/240VAC power. Sinewave is what you want for running sensitive electronics like TVs, stereos, and computers. In my case, sinewave is very good for electric motors, so I can run all my powertools with very clean AC.
If I rotate the array east in the morning, and westward in the afternoon, my array will produce 6-7kwh of power over the
course of the day.