Hello all,
I found this relatively recently released film (Dec 2010) called
Occam's Grazer by Raincrow Film. For those of you that are interested in raising livestock using Holistic Management Planning, this film is very instructive and inspiring. It is a little over 45 mins long but I found it well worth the time. It is a very clear introduction to HM's principles and practices and the film was spot on for those that have questions about how the whole system works. I have only been looking into Holistic Management for a few weeks now, as I have just begun learning about ecologically
sustainable ways to raise livestock, and this film cleared up a lot of my questions. It was also very inspiring to me, since one of the major keypoints of HM is using livestock to heal your
land, to hear about the transformation of the four farms in this film into vibrant ecologically and economically healthy landscapes.
The creators of the film uploaded it to youtube if you cannot buy the DVD. I was very surprised that it has less than 200 views.
Anyways, I thought that people
should know about this film and would love to hear what others think about it.
This is also my first post and I wanted to say hello to everyone and thank the people behind permies for the work they do to keep this site running.
Trevor Younce