My quest for the worlds most comfortable bed, is complete. I'm lying on it, as I write this, with voice to text.
As many of you are aware, I live at job sites where I prepare houses to be picked up and moved or tear them down completely or partially, in order to salvage the building materials.
I have done this through more than 20 Canadian winters, and I only have electricity and heat about 10% of the time. When you're living like this, a comfortable bed at the end of the day, is very important. When it comes to nighttime comfort, I'm like The Princess and the Pea.👸 It has to be just right, or I continue to squirm and adjust things and complain, although there's no one around to complain to. Some find it unusual, that a guy who doesn't pay for a home, insists on absolute comfort. 😏
Many different combinations of foamy and regular
mattress have been tried. None compare to the old cot that I found in the attic of one of the houses being moved.
This old cot folds up to 2.5 inchs thick. It is 6 ft long, so it wouldn't accommodate anyone much over 6 feet. The mattress is laid on the big spring, which seems to sag about 2 inches in the central area around my butt and then less toward both ends, where I keep my head and feet. So, it behaves like a stiff hammock.
Enough give, to make it comfortable and not so much that you sink down to the floor and become a prisoner of the device.
I have found it most comfortable using the mattresses pictured. If I had a much thicker top mattress, I probably wouldn't need to do it this way. Everything you're looking at, except for one of the blankets, was found in houses that I've worked on.
The three little cushions are too long, but that creates a nice platform, where I often set food, my phone and anything else I'd like to have within reach.
I find it most comfortable to sleep with my knees raised, instead of laying flat on my back. A rolled-up sleeping bag works perfectly.
Pillow... Me and pillows have never gotten along well. Usually, I don't find them comfortable, and in the summer I find them too hot. If I do find one that's comfortable, it slides away onto the floor at the slightest movement. I found this old wool blanket and it works perfectly as a pillow when rolled up or just jumbled. It doesn't slide away and it is perfectly ventilated. On cold nights, I can unravel some of it and cover my face. It's so soft that there's no itchiness as often happens with wool.
The big sleeping bag on top is my warmest piece of bedding. One of my customers laid it on the floor, with a plan for us to walk on it while tearing down a chimney. I retrieved some very crappy bedding from my vehicle and we used that instead. His plan was to throw it out afterwards.
Sometimes it's the middle of the day, but I'm very tired from doing something, and I'm also covered with stuff that I don't want in my bed. I have a big sheet of plastic that can be thrown right over the whole thing. Then I can lay in bed to have my lunch or make phone calls or whatever during my break, and I don't have to take off my muddy
boots or any of my other stuff. Then, the plastic is carefully removed. You'd be surprised at how uncomfortable just 1/8 cup of sand or half a slice of toast can be, when it gets into your bedding. I've had it between my cheeks, and I don't mean the ones on my face.😨