Technological improvements -- including the new work with nanobots that go to and 'light up' tumors which guides destroying lasers, yes folks, it's in clinical trials in humans already -- will enable there to be more humans doing less work. They also are leading to infertility, sterility, and lower births of males through xeno and phyto estrogen and other endocrine disruptors. These are just two major, major factors out of many that will shape humanity's future. It's hard to predict where any 2 of these will lead us, much less the whole barkin' mass of fascinating improvements we have coming down the pipe.
One thing to think about is that isolation of any sort breeds insulation. The uneducated, untraveled, sheltered person is much less likely to have empathy with 'not our kind'. Today's humans are much more humane because of all the travel and education and commerce. There's no more bear or bull baiting, Justice is demanded, homicides are way way way down, consumers are trying to buy less impactful products etc etc etc. While humans' monkeysphere may only be 150 souls, we seem to be able to have goodness and empathy to many more people than just those.
Perhaps, while we eco-minded permie-growin tree-huggin' longhairs work to reduce our little circle of influence, we can keep in mind that no matter what changes come, a basic broad-mindedness and empathy for other humans and living things must be paramount.