I think this is an important investigation of facts...
Important that all understand this, if we, grassroots, are going to understand and change this... "Maybe Takes a Constitutional Amendment"
I prefer passing along "Permaculture Bricks" so Paul and our community can save the world, but we cannot totally disregard our democracy duties.
Full Show: Crony Capitalism
January 20, 2012
Bill Moyers and former White House Ronald Reagan, budget director David Stockman on how
politics and high finance have turned our economy into a members-only private club.
Holy Sh.t !!! --> MUST SEE VIDEO -->
Regards to all,
Monte Hines
I just watched... it is a must see... succinctly discusses this complex problem...Bill Moyers type investigative reporting is a national asset... Wished mainstream media was doing it, but we know why it isn't...
nice to see people of integrity, of both political persuasions, bringing "sunlight" to our US problem.