I've got a 6ft drop over 14ft that is the longest because the roof is actually a little oval. Do you think this will keep the snow off? think of a cone that you slightly pinch the sides, the longer side of the roof will have more incline, won't the snow and rain run off the two sides with more pitch? I ask because if you look at my sight the only cedar I found so far maybe 15ft and I need 7ft on the first floor, 7ft in the middle of the loft thats 14ft then 3ft from ceiling to roof is 17ft and 3ft in the ground for frost line the center tree needs to be 20ft and that is a big cedar. WOW I'm not sure if I can find one I'm almost thinking of using one of my oaks (plenty of those) but I am disappointed that I wont get the neat little nubs on a raw cedar.richard valley wrote:Theresa, Re: what comes first the walls or roof. If you build Tutor fashion, the roof can be built first. This is done with post and beam. The area between the posts and beams and diagonals can then filled with cob. This was done in England but with thatch and clay between the supports.
First let me tell you I was watching Bear Grilles and these people live in the desert off wells that they have taught the younger generations where they are. I'm thinking WOW now thats much harder than what I got.richard valley wrote:Greetings, Re: Gettings the water up some 250 plus feet, that call for a pump. The use of a spring calls for a cistern or storage tank. You can use a photovoltaic arrangement to a raised water up to a storage tank for gravity feed to your service. Gray water from the sink can be used on the land. We have wells at both ranches. We dug the first and hunted for a property large enough with a well for the second.
Like to know what you've done so far.
richard valley wrote:That's exciting, to have a live sping on your property.
Let me relate an experience that might be fun. Years ago, before building the house and dirilling the well on the mountain ranch. I found a spring some 1300ft up the mountain on government land. I made a cistern, using a barrel, and fed it into black plastic rolls of 3/4"plastic pipe and unrolled the pipe as it filled. On the steeper part as I entered my land I sat inside a 100' long roll as it filled with water, it began to unroll going faster and faster, with my dog running along side. The pipe filled with water was very heavy there was no way to stop, with my heels in the earth to help brake and dodge trees we moved down the mountain at high speed. Well, the pipe kinked, broke, I was thrown out and the roll continued down without us.
Guess you had to have been there. This calls for a cup of coffee or.. a large brandy.
Best of luck with your adventure! Please keep me/us up on all you do.
Funny thing I called a big local well Co. about installing a cistern. He gave me grief and said a $7,500 well would be cost the same as a concrete 10x10 cistern...HUH. Anyway he didn't know what a ram pump was, treated me like a dumb women and eventually hung up on me. How is that for a boost in my confidence! ha..oh well, been there and done that.Drew Sparrow wrote:How far below the home location is the spring? It sounds like an ideal situation for a ram pump and storage tank.
I am close to Potosi and you are about a couple hours a way, my kin on my birth fathers (deceased) side is from Ironton and we did some camping in Annapolis. Its really beautiful where you are I love the Black River. I am gearing up for the cob house and looking at buying used equipment or renting I thought it would be nice to see if anyone is interested in sharing equipment. I definitely would come build for a day and would be nice to see the area again.Barn Kat wrote:Wow, where is Washington county? I am also building a cob house (well, part cob part earthship) and am in Wayne county (SE MO). Maybe we can help eachother with cobbing or something!
My blog, just got it up a couple of days ago, so not much there. www.bricolagefarm.wordpress.com
Barn Kat wrote:
Wow, where is Washington county? I am also building a cob house (well, part cob part earthship) and am in Wayne county (SE MO). Maybe we can help eachother with cobbing or something!
My blog, just got it up a couple of days ago, so not much there. www.bricolagefarm.wordpress.com
Theresa Whited:
I am close to Potosi and you are about a couple hours a way, my kin on my birth fathers (deceased) side is from Ironton and we did some camping in Annapolis. Its really beautiful where you are I love the Black River. I am gearing up for the cob house and looking at buying used equipment or renting I thought it would be nice to see if anyone is interested in sharing equipment. I definitely would come build for a day and would be nice to see the area again.
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