animals |
BBs submitted for animal care - wood badge |
Harvest 5 Square Feet of Fur
BBs submitted for animal care - straw badge |
Offal from one animal system is an input
Make a lightweight paddock shift chicken coop
Breed a Rabbit and Raise at Least 3 Kits
Setup Mobile Electric Fence for Paddock Shift
Set up a conventional bee hive
BBs submitted for animal care - sand badge |
Make a Brush Pile
Collect a Dozen Eggs
Clean Out 4 Chicken Nest Boxes
Plant 200 Seeds for Hummingbirds
Train an Animal to Eat Treats
Fecal Parasite Test
Feed Appropriate Kitchen Scraps
Harvest a Chicken
Live rodent trap
Catch a Honey Bee Swarm
metwalworking |
BBs submitted for metalworking - wood badge |
Metalworking Badge Oddball Thread
BBs submitted for metalworking - sand badge |
make a chicken funnel
electricity |
BBs submitted for electricity - straw badge |
Troubleshoot and fix an electrical appliance
Troubleshoot and fix an electrical appliance
BBs submitted for electricity - sand badge |
Replace Flood Light with Motion Detector Flood Lamp
Move, charge and replace a lead acid battery
Install/Repair an AC Outlet
Replace Bathroom Fan Switch with Timer
Put a new end on an extension cord
Install a permanent AC light fixture
textile |
BBs submitted for textiles - straw badge |
Sewing on a button
Create a textile toolbox
Repair a hole in a pocket
Mend hole in pants or skirt - textiles.straw.mend.pants-skirt PEP BB
Prepare Cotton for Spinning
Make a button jar
BBs submitted for textiles - sand badge |
Woven basket
Make twine
Quick darning
Sew a patch
Crochet or knit a dishcloth
Sew a small pillow
commerce |
BBs submitted for commerce - straw badge |
Sell "goods" (something you made, grew, or foraged) for $200
BBs submitted for commerce - sand badge |
Sell "goods" (something you made, grew, or foraged)
Perform some sort of labor over the internet and get paid
tool |
BBs submitted for tool care - straw badge |
Sharpen a Handsaw
Sharpen a Handsaw
BBs submitted for tool care - sand badge |
Sharpen a knife
Sharpen a Hatchet
Clean the shop for at least an hour
Sharpen, clean and oil a shovel
Repair Flat on Front Wheel of Bicycle
nest |
BBs submitted for nest - straw badge |
Setup a Cloth Napkin System
Replace Failing Caulk or Grout
Replace or Clean the Air Filter of a Furnace
Clean Interior of a Car
Deep Clean a Carpet with Water and Suction
Set up a system for collecting burnables
Install a dehumidifier that drains to greywater or other drain
Set up a charcoal collection system
Set up a system for dealing with wood ash
BBs submitted for nest - sand badge |
Grease Hinges
Make Rags From Old Clothes
Sweep a Floor
Oil Wooden Kitchen Utensils
Clean an Oily Dish Without Soap
Clean Four Windows, Inside and Out
homesteading |
BBs submitted for homesteading - straw badge |
Use a 3 point hitch implement on a tractor and do work for 15 min
Homesteading Badge Oddball thread
Homesteading Badge Oddball thread
Homesteading Badge Oddball thread
Put chains on a set of drive tires
BBs submitted for homesteading - sand badge |
Install/Replace/Recharge Fire Extinguisher
Sand, Prime, and Paint Rusty Equipment
Repair a Window Screen
Install a CO Detector
Install a Smoke Detector
Properly Install Proper Fire Tools at a Fire Contraption
Drive a Truck and Trailer in Reverse
Sweep a chimney
Check a Game Cam
plumbing |
BBs submitted for plumbing and hot water - straw badge |
Set up a simple rainwater collection system
BBs submitted for plumbing and hot water - sand badge |
Clean/Decalcify a Shower Head
Unclog a Drain with Zip Tool
Replace Water Heater Anode
Fix a Leaky Faucet
Flush a Water Heater
Replace a Faucet
Repair a Hose
Food |
BBs submitted for Food Prep and Preservation - sand badge |
Bake a pizza
Cook Grain on a Stove Top
cook soup, stew, pottage, or chowder
Fry an egg on a cast iron skillet
Cook Grain with a Rice Cooker, Crock Pot or Instapot
Water bath canning
Pickle something in vinegar brine
Salt brine ferment/pickle something
Make two loaves of bread
Cook a Stir Fry
roundwood |
BBs submitted for round wood woodworking - sand badge |
Club style mallet from hand tools
Compound mallet from hand tools
dimensional |
BBs submitted for dimensional lumber woodworking - sand badge |
wood box/crate
Simple beginner bird house
greywillow |
BBs submitted for greywater and willow feeders - sand badge |
Reuse Water From a Shower
Give Urine to Growies
foraging |
BBs submitted for foraging - sand badge |
Cup of tea
Fresh harvest list
medicine |
BBs submitted for natural medicine - sand badge |
Make a natural medicine reference journal
Make a Plantain Leaf Poultice
Dry lavender blossom for a tea, infusion or decoction
Make an infusion from blackberry leaves
Dry enough dandelion root for a tea, infusion, or decoction
Make a dandelion root tincture
Make a Plantain leaf infused oil
Make a dandelion root decoction
Make a blackberry syrup or gummies
Make a Plantain leaf salve
rocket |
BBs submitted for rocket - sand badge |
Add Ash to a Garden Area
oddball |
BBs submitted for oddball - sand badge |
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
PEP Badge: Oddball
earthworks |
BBs submitted for earthworks - sand badge |
5 scoops Using Tractor Loader
gardening |
BBs submitted for gardening - sand badge |
Chop and Drop